The Department of Management Studies (DMS), in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship Development Club (EDC), successfully organized a workshop on Paper Bag Making to commemorate National Startup Day on January 16th, 2024 at 1.00 pm at First year BBA class room. This initiative aimed to promote eco-friendly practices and equip students with basic entrepreneurial skills. The paper bag making workshop provided an engaging platform for students to learn a valuable skill while fostering environmental consciousness. Ms. Anusha Mohanan, a second-year student, led the session, sharing her knowledge and techniques for crafting eco-friendly paper bags. The participation of 36 first-year students demonstrates the department’s commitment to instilling entrepreneurial thinking and practical skills within its student body. The session was concluded by a vote of thanks by Ms. Anaswara Sasi.

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Published On: January 16, 2024Categories: College news, Management Studies Department Activities