On January 25th, 2023, the Department of Management Studies organized an insightful workshop titled “Building Career on Logistics: A Skill Development Programme.” The workshop commenced at 10:00 a.m. in the BBA department and featured Mr. Prakash Iyer, Managing Director of Sea Horse Group, as the esteemed resource person.

Mr. Prakash Iyer delivered an engaging session, providing attendees with valuable insights into the field of logistics. He commenced by elucidating the concept of logistics, emphasizing its critical role in supply chain management and global trade. Through real-world examples and case studies, he illustrated the significance of efficient logistics in enhancing business operations and competitiveness.

The session also delved into various job opportunities available in the logistics sector, ranging from warehouse management to transportation and distribution. Mr. Iyer provided valuable insights into the skills and competencies sought after by employers, equipping attendees with actionable knowledge to pursue successful careers in logistics.

In conclusion, the workshop on “Building Career on Logistics” proved to be an enriching experience for attendees, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for navigating the dynamic field of logistics. The Department of Management Studies continues to uphold its commitment to providing holistic education and fostering industry-relevant skill development among its students.


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Published On: January 27, 2024Categories: College news, Management Studies Department Activities