On 12th December 2023, Department of Computer Applications hosted a one-day workshop focused on Python programming. The objective was to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to Python programming language. The workshop was expertly facilitated by Mr Satheesh Chandran, Trainer Head Camerin Folks Pvt ltd.

 The day commenced with an overview of Python, its history, applications, and relevance in today’s technology-driven world. Participants engaged in practical exercises designed to impart essential Python skills. Under the guidance of the resource person, they wrote, executed, and debugged Python code, gaining first hand experience of the language’s capabilities. Throughout the workshop, interactive discussions were encouraged. Participants posed questions, shared their perspectives, and collaborated on coding challenges, fostering a dynamic learning environment.

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed appreciations for the workshop’s structured yet engaging format, highlighting the resource person’s clarity and expertise. Participants also valued the hands-on approach, noting that it demystified Python and instilled confidence in their coding abilities.

The one-day Python workshop was a resounding success, thanks to the invaluable contributions of the resource person and the enthusiastic participation of students.

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Published On: December 13, 2023Categories: College news, Computer Applications Department Activities