The Arts club of Nirmala Arts & Science College Mulanthuruthy conducted the Onam Celebration OLAM 2k23 on 23rd August 2023 at the college courtyard. The Onam celebration at college was a resounding success, bringing the spirit of Kerala and its rich cultural heritage to life.  Ms. Jayasree J M, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications, coordinated the programme. The programme started at 9:30 am with a pookalam (flower carpet) competition, where participants showcased their artistic skills by creating intricate and colorful floral designs. The Mahabali ‘s visit was accompanied by several attractions including Chendamelam, Thiruvathirakali, Onappattu, tug of war and other fun games. A delicious feast was arranged for the students and faculty members. The day was filled with joy, laughter, and a sense of belonging as everyone joined in the festivities

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Published On: September 8, 2023Categories: Arts Club Activities, Arts Day events, College news