The Post Graduate Department of Psychology, Nirmala Arts and Science College, Mulanthuruthy had conducted Association Inauguration and Wednesday chapter of the month on 20 September 2023 at11 am. The session began with the formal welcome speech delivered by Febamol K A, Msc 1st year student, Department of psychology. Shri. George Kuriakose, manager of the college gave the presidential address. Dr. Geetha C A, Principal of the college, gave the principal’s address. Prof. Daisy N O, Dean of the college and Shri. Reji Kuriakose, management representative were present. The chief guest of the session was Manjith R, Psychologist, Ph.D scholar, Pondichery university. Mrs. Anupama R Varier, Asst. Professor, introduced the resource person for the session. Vote of thanks for the formal function was given by Mahima Grace John student and president of NAPS, BSs 2nd year. For adding colours to the formal function Sibin P Paulose, B.Sc. 1st year sang a melodious song. Also, students presented a wonderful dance performance for the gathering. As part of the ‘Wednesday chapter’ conducted every month a technical session was handled by the chief guest Manjith R. He impressed the gathering by the way he dealt with the topic dynamically. The session was really engaging and interactive. The program was concluded by a vote of thanks proposed by Gopika Dileep 2nd year BSc psychology student.

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Published On: September 22, 2023Categories: College news, Psychology Department Activities