The Ek Bharath Shrestha Bharath club celebrated 67th Kerala Piravidinam in association with Arts club and college union on 1st of November 2023 in the college auditorium at10:30 am am. The presidential address and Kerala foundation day message was given by Sri. George Kuriakose, Manager of the college. Dr. Geetha C A, Principal of the college, gave the principal’s address. The chief guest of the program was a Malayalam actor Eldho Mathew, who has done side roles in movies. The program was a great success with the student’s performance in various songs and dances. As part of EBSB club a fusion song was performed by students which included songs of various states such as Karnataka, Haryana which also celebrates foundation day with Kerala. And this particular event showed the unity that we try to incorporate in our college activities. A dance too was performed by students which added colors to the event.

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Published On: November 2, 2023Categories: College news, Ek Bharat Club Activities