On January 23rd, at 10:00 a.m., final year students embarked on an enriching industrial visit to PT World. The highlight of the visit was a tour to Cochin Port, where students gained valuable insights into port operations.

Upon arrival, students were greeted with the bustling activity of vessels docking and containers being loaded and unloaded. They witnessed the intricate process of handling cargo, including the usage of lifting instruments and heavy vehicles for transporting containers. Throughout the visit, knowledgeable guides provided explanations for each aspect observed, ensuring students understood the nuances of port logistics. They learned about the different types of vessels, the significance of containers in global trade, and the importance of efficient handling equipment.

The experience was not only educational but also inspiring, as students witnessed firsthand the scale and complexity of maritime operations. It provided them with a practical understanding of concepts studied in classrooms and insight into potential career paths in the maritime industry. Overall, the industrial visit to PT World offered a valuable opportunity for students to bridge the gap between theory and practice, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the maritime sector.

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Published On: January 24, 2024Categories: College news, Management Studies Department Activities