Divyangjan Cell in Nirmala Arts & Science College, Mulanthuruthy, affiliated to MG University, in association with Adarsh Center for Empowerment organized a food exhibition cum sale on the fresher student’s induction ceremony day.The mouth-watering dishes for this exhibition was prepared by the special needs children (above 18 years), who works at ACE (Adarsh center for empowerment) under the guidance of professional chefs, which is a subsidiary of Adarsh Charitable Trust. Dishes were made available at a very reasonable rate starting from Rs.20/-.There was a wide range of dishes that included half cooked chapati, veg sandwich, pineapple turt, MH special cake, carrot cake, brownie, bread, bun etc.
The sale was a new experience for our students and the Adarsh team could accumulate almost a gross of Rs. 18000/- + from this exhibition, which is truly remarkable.

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Published On: July 13, 2023Categories: College news, Divyangjan Cell Activities