Nature has a profound impact on our psychological state. Combining psychology and nature through mindfulness practices is a powerful approach to enhancing mental well-being. In relation to the Environment Day celebrations, the postgraduate department of psychology organized an attitude-building program on June 5, 2024, to highlight the need and importance of the environment. The session began with a formal welcome speech delivered by Ms. Feba Johnson, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology. Manager Sri. George Kuriakose and Dr. C. A. Geetha delivered their perspectives regarding nature and psychology, emphasizing the critical connection between the two. Prof. Daisy N. O., Dean of the college, was also present, adding her support and insights to the event. The session was led by the chief guest, Mrs. Meera Gopinath, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Psychology. She captivated the gathering with her dynamic approach to the topic, explaining the importance of the relationship between nature and the mind. She emphasized that as psychology students, it is crucial to connect with nature to understand and appreciate its impact on mental health. She also conducted several mindfulness techniques, including deep breathing exercises, which help regulate the autonomic nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Conducting these exercises in the garden allowed participants to benefit from the fresh air and natural scents, enhancing the overall experience. The session was engaging and interactive, allowing participants to experience firsthand the calming and restorative effects of nature combined with mindfulness practices. The program concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Gopika Dileep, a third-year BSc psychology student, who expressed gratitude to all the speakers and participants
for making the event a success.

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Published On: June 6, 2024Categories: College news, Psychology Department Activities